
27 Torre(2)

This is constructed with matte finished ash lumber. It is made into 90 degree sections, allowing for flexibility in placement. It could be placed along a wall, or inside any room. The concise design is based on the impression of furniture in traditional homes that are made with only a few elements. The endless possibilities of placement allow ones wings of imagination to take flight with this shelf.
27 Torre(2)
27 Torre(2)
27 Torre(2)
27 Torre(2)
27 Torre(2)
27 Torre(2)

w=700 d=270 h=1758

◆塗装 クリア
Ash,Urethane coating

◆塗装 クリア×白塗り分け
Urethane coating,Natural White Ash Lumber

この製品に関する問い合わせ先  起立木工 株式会社 TEL 054-283-6111

27 Torre(1)
 27 Torre(1) (2010-09-07 16:11)

Posted by NIPPON SENSE(ニッポンセンス) at 15:07 │Torre(product)

27 Torre(2)